How’s the unemployment situation in the US amid COVID-19?

Unfortunately, job losses have been still recording on a consistent scale amid coronavirus around the world. The impact of COVID-19 has changed the situation of jobs in the US drastically. A huge unemployment rate along with an economic slowdown in the US puts the country in the worst condition ever, in recent times.

Since the pandemic started earlier this year and widely spread between February and May, the US has seen an unemployment rate of 3.8% and 13.0% respectively. Around 14.4% in April 2020 was the second highest after the post-world war-II era and stands at the top in the history of the US. While the same situation of unemployment continues, it might take longer for recovery.

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vivek Thursday, October 15, 2020
How to prepare for an interview

 The interview process for experienced person/s is quite different to that of the newbie/fresher. People have different experiences as they go through the face-to-face or telephonic round of interview. Here we try to gather a few things to remember and get prepared for an interview.

So here is the checklist from Jobs Near Me portal as to get into the action of cracking an interview:

Be confident always

A candidate attending an interview needs to be focused and confident enough of getting through the technicality. In other words, technical rounds have an utmost importance and can promote better results for joining into the company once cleared.

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However skills related to communication do play a major role, as you have a conversation with the technical team and HR too. Everything is observed and the confidence in you builds a stronger way for picking you up.

vivek Friday, October 9, 2020
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